Got questions?



We may have the answer to your enquiry in our blogs:



Also, you may find the answer in some of our Frequently asked questions (FAQ)



For Mixing & application guide please go here:


and if you need any visual aid, please visit our video tutorials page as it has lots of valuable content:


If your question is about, WHAT COLOUR SHOULD I CHOOSE? Please check this informative and in detail blog. A video version may be coming soon but for now this will give you good guidance.




If your question is in regards to any of the following topics please send us an email to ( and please copy and paste the topic number and the description onto the emails subject. Then elaborate what the situation is in the email’s body.


1: change my order or details or address on my order


2: received the wrong parcel or there an issue with the product


3: there is a problem with the delivery


4: have issues with my account or rewards programme



This way, we will be able to assist you quicker.

Have an amazing day and a healthy life.


Warmest wishes.

Desert Shadow Team